building RISC OS

This is a work in progress, and will be updated regularly.

Last Update: 16/04/2013
Document Version: 0.02

    Software Required

RISC OS 4 or higher, though I’ve had issues using RISC OS 6
!UnTarBZ2 –

    Build Instructions

1. Download RISC OS source code for chosen hardware – (Need Source Code Archives – Rebuilt Daily)

2. Make sure the !SetPaths application included with DDE tools has been ‘seen’ by the Filer

3. Extract the source code using !UnTarBZ2

4. Open the directory where the source code has been extracted

5. Open the folder name of platform. (OMAP3Dev, OMAP4Dev etc..) – This is referred to as the build directory.

6. Open the Prepare folder

7. Run the obey file !Run

8. In the task window, press ‘Y’ to answer each of the questions (3 Times)

9. !Builder should load automatically, menu click on !Builder and choose ‘register build tree’

10. Drag build directory into the window. (OMAP3Dev, OMAP4Dev etc..)

11. Click Save button

12. Select click on !Builder (On icon bar)

13. Ensure the correct build directory is selected (top option)

14. Select environment (ROOL.OMAP3, ROOL.OMAP4 etc..)

15. Select the build options – List, Clean, Clean all, Export headers, Export libraries, Export resources, make ROM, install ROM, Join ROM

16. Ensure Allignment Exceptions are turned OFF, and click the Build button

17. A task window is opened and the ROM image is built, takes approx 12 mins on PandaBoard-ES

18. Upon successful build a ROM image is placed in the Images folder.

19. Drink a beer 😀 (Or do this between 17 & 18!)


Add images
CVS Instructions
Youtube Video?
Document !UnTarBZ2 quirks (Random characters in filenames etc.)
DiscImage Building – Separate Guide?
Building with Allignment Exceptions turned on. (Chris Gransden’s Contributions)
Building on RISC OS 6

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